Need a Retest? It happens.
You may take a retest (at a discounted rate) if you took a test with CDL College and did not pass. You will be treated (charged) as a first test if you previously tested with another company and did not pass.
You are scheduling to Bring-a-Vehicle, Class B CDL, Bus. during a Class B w/Passenger CDL Skills Test at CDL College.
Enter your email address or code in the "Redeem Voucher or Package" box below if you have one.
Choose an available day and time from the calendar below.
Need a First Test?
You will receive a confirmation email for each appointment. If you need to cancel an appointment, do so using the confirmation email for that appointment.
You should cancel appointments BEFORE the scheduled time to receive an instant credit toward your next appointment.
Cancelling an appointment AFTER the scheduled time will require office intervention. Call or email.
Need more than a test?
Pre-trip classes held every day at 9:15am.
Schedule a Pre-Trip Class
Training blocks are a great way to prep for the test.
Schedule Two Hours of Training
State of Colorado 2019 CDL Testing Rules
We must adhere to the following testing rules from the State of Colorado when administering the CDL Skills Test. These rules apply to all testing facilities in Colorado. Colorado is very picky.
- You need to bring your Driver License, CDL Permit and Medical Card. You must have all 3 when you in order to test.
- Your CDL Permit does not replace your Driver License, no matter what they tell you at DMV.
- If DMV punches a hole in your Driver License, your license is VOID.
- NEW! You must hold your permit for 14 days before a CDL Skills Test can be scheduled.
- We must schedule 3 days in advance. This includes retests and reschedules.
- The State gives us a 15 minute window to start the test. That includes filling out all of your paperwork and collecting your vehicle information. Make every effort to arrive for your test 15 minutes before your appointment.
Those are the rules. If we don't follow them, they'll suspend us. We will make every accommodation to assist you in your CDL
CDL College is approved by the state to administer the CDL Skills Tests. CDL College not an extension of the Colorado Department of Revenue. We are a private business that charges a fee for our services.